Saturday, July 24, 2010

Check Out One of My Favorite Blogs

everyday musings is such a splendid, casual, yet elegant and flowery blog that i love to read! You can read all Olivia Rae's wonderful posts here!

daily uniform & jasper.

sesame roasted potatoes + homemade mayo

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Amazing Kid Singer!

This boy is such a talented and inspirational singer! He appeared on Ellen, the Lady Gaga song he preformed soaring with millions of view! Greyson sure has a unique voice!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thank You Aunt Leah for Craving This.... :)

My Aunt Leah made this really good Chinese salad for us last night. There's cabbage, chicken, crunchy noodles with almonds, drizzled in a sesame sauce! i can still taste it now, so delicious!

Want the recipe?

You'll be sure to love it!

Happy Cooking!

Ally :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Isaiah's Commercial

Isaiah is 1 years old and a very active child! He's always on the go, getting in trouble or finding himself adventures. It is very rare when he sits still, and that only lasts a few minutes. But the one thing on TV that catches his eyes and holds his attention is this AT&T commercial. It's super adorable when he watches it. He seems to really concentrate on the TV.

i have no idea why this interests him, but here it is...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Please Pray!

My 14 month old cousin is in the hospital now as i type. it started off that my Aunt went to the urgent care because Asa had a fever. At the urgent care they did some blood work and only hours ago called her to tell her to bring over Asa immediately for tests. So now poor sweet Asa has to have a spinal tap and i need everyones prayers! He is such a sweet boy with a charming smile and spirit! Thank you everyone for your support!

Please pray that he is safe and will come home safety!

God Bless,


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Midnight Chocolate Lovers

A small handful of dark or milk chocolate hits that craving
Dunk mint cookies or oreos into melted chocolate for a yummy twist
Chocolate and gram crackers are oh-so good chilled and tossed in with marshmallows.

Midnight snacks are the best. And to add chocolate, that's just...too cool for words, right? Every girl or you choco lover guys need that something to look forward to in the night. So i have created some tasty treats for day or night, but i suggest midnight. The darkest time of the entire night...


Friday, July 9, 2010

Been meaning to post this...

My beauty of a sister made this precious cake for my birthday! Hand made gum paste flowers, chocolate bark bordering the cake and dark chocolate frosting lathered across the dark chocolate cake. It makes my mouth water right now as i type. She truly is so talented in cooking, and im so glad that she got to make my cake then someone else!

Thank you Sarah! :)

Your Sis,


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Peach Cobbler

The girl made a delicious cobbler,

All by herself,
Her Mother and Father were impressed by her,
And her selfless self...:P
(Okay, not that innocent)

By Ally

Monday, July 5, 2010

My 4th of July

We had a very fun 4th of July! The food, fun and hanging out with the family! Ava, my little cousin, watched the fireworks eagerly and played with our neighbor's daughter Izzy! They had a blast and so did we!


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Well today is the day we got our freedom everyone!!

So go celebrate with yummy food themed for the holiday!

Hanging out with the family!

And of course watching the sparkling fire works!

Have a great and safe 4th of July everyone! :)

Want to learn some history of Independence day?


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bringing the Ball Park to you, gourmet style!

Another creative food, another story. I was going threw the pantry, trying to find SOMETHING suitable for lunch and out of thin air thought of this. Hot dogs and cornbread, cake style. Ha, i know, weird and sort of gross? Wrong, im surprised myself! Really good, and bringing the ballpark to you without the sweat and screams, but with your traditional corn dog fancied up. All you need is cornbread packets and turkey hot dogs, and put into a cake pan!!. So try this idea for lunch or dinner. Really easy, and perfect for any occasion!

Ally :)

P.S Bring me out to the ball game!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pretty Jewelry Holder

The other day i took a photo frame, some bent little spoons, flowers, and hot glue gun and spun it together. And wah Lah! I had this perfect jewelery holder for earrings, my flower heads bands and more! It is so convenient to get to and is also super cute and easy to make!
