Monday, April 19, 2010

Dear Summer

Dear Summer,

Hello, how are you? I am preparing for your abundant heat and glossy black streets. The warmth is already spreading, filling the house with great hotness. Pools are being cleaned and open for all swimmers to enjoy. Adults and children are running to the ice cream vans and devouring the sweet taste of sugary cream. I am finding myself each day excited for the waters to warm and the water melon to be ripe enough to eat outside. Towels are being spread on the beach and people are dipping into the cool waves of freedom. Air conditioners murmur outside in protest as the cool air gushes into the house. Lady bugs are buzzing around onto the moist grass. Summer festivals are starting, celebrating the fine arrival. Sprinklers are being made to be fun enjoyment. Umbrellas are being sold out. People are coming and going. Beaches are being packed with surfers and loungers. Love bubbling like eggs on the side walk. Camps cheering with joy.Tanning spray is not needed these few months, nor long clothes. Swimming suits have cloned every where in great pleasure. Dusk barbecues are on every block. Sweet smell of sunscreen and flowers take of each person. People are smiling in the sun. Summer is being quite welcome here.


P.S I can't wait for summer