Friday, March 19, 2010

Princess and the Frog

Yesterday, i watched Princess and the Frog with my 3 year old cousin. The beginning was sweet and touching, till the middle of the movie came on. There is a particular character who gives me the creeps and is inappropriate in this movie. You see lots of scenes, where he's using witch craft, voodoo, demons and it was harshly drawn. If i was 3 or older, the scenes would have blown me away. and not in fascination. i am very disappointed they decided to put witch-craft and spell practice into this movie for young eyes. little ones could have tooken it wrong and the shady scenes of spirits trying to catch them, its disturbing.
i like the story on the movie. Some, perhaps. I like how they have a young woman trying to live her dreams and is fighting and not giving up to get them. yes, that is very sweet, but i don't prefer fortune telling, spells, voodoo, witch-crafts, lurking spirits at all in this movie!
Thank goodness my cousin fell asleep before this part, for she would have been FREAKED out of her mind.
So if you or someone else might want to go see this with their princess, i suggest going to for the ratings and anything pushy that you might agree on.

Well i hope this was informative to you before you take a family memeber or friend there.
