Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Little Note For My Closet...

Dear Closet,

Thank you for all you have done. holding in my junk when it is really unnecessary or feeling crammed when im lazy and decide to just throw stuff in there and shut it. Thank you for being my hiding space when i was little and wanted to go in there because it felt cool. Thank you for still being my hiding space.
I have so many memories, right from the day i was born. Ones that were oh-so beautiful that made you tear up or the ones that made you cringe. Thank you for putting up with my mess and not caring when i accidently break the shelves and never get around to it (and to this day)

Thank you dear closet for being there when others have left, and listening without any judgement.

Ally <3

P.S And thank you for being nice when i complain my closet is too small and that i want a bigger one. Thanks.