Monday, April 5, 2010

Gourmet Sandwiches and Clogged Sinks

How was your Easter everyone?

Our was very different then we've ever had it. Difference number one, we didn't paint eggs. We didn't do it because with all the babies and work going on, it would be too much, and it would have definably have been. it was a very different Easter, but still very fun!
Difference number two, we had an Easter make-your-dream-sandwich buffet instead of an traditional Easter dinner and pie. The reason why we didn't have the traditional dindin was because we had no place to seat all of the family. i did fancy the sandwich idea, for we had a lot of choices to make them BLT's, Chicken Salad Sandwiches or a regular meat and cheese sandwich. Yum!

The munchkins had a Easter egg hunt in the back yard. Instead of using all eggs, my Mom mixed it up with mini cereal boxes and Capri suns. Somewhat strange, but i thought i was very original and crafty! Isaiah was so cute, trying to hold all the eggs at once! I think he understood the concept more this year, then last. Of course though, out of all the babies Ava got most of the supply of candy and snacks!

That was our very cool Easter! We didn't go by all the traditions, and that was all right. My Mom said one time that sometimes Traditions take away all the glory of the holiday because we try to do the tradition more then celebrate being together, and i believe her. It takes away the glory of the occasion sometimes and strays away from what we're really celebrating! Wise words, Mom!

Today was a somewhat crazy day. I went to bed at four, sewing like mad, while watching Aquamarine and Angus, Thongs and the Perfect Snogging. I got up after Isaiah which was 10:45! I never knew a 1 year old could sleep that long! (but he did look bigger today too)
Ate a protein bar and a glass of water, got dressed and ready, then started doing the dishes.
Dishes, a very evil thing to a teen.
The last few weeks I've been keeping the kitchen clean and tidy, while my Mom, Dad and Sarah sewed and watched the babes (just so you know, sewing is very important in our family, so we're not doing it as a hobbie! :P)
So i was putting the dishes into the washer, listening to my the TING TINGS on my Sansa, and turned on the garbage disposal to drain the disgusting sink. To my surprise, it only made a weird purring sound and did nothing at all! Oh my, the things that happen in life!
Yeah, so i basically ditched it and came here to confess my frustrations. I'll just have to wait till my Mom gets back to help fix it! Or my Dad.

Ally :)


I SO want this!