Thursday, April 15, 2010


The innocent are taken. Their bodies brutally broken. They do not deserve this. The hatred. The evil that lies in wild men. Why do the innocent have to pay for what they do? They did nothing wrong. Said nothing wrong, nor prayed nothing wrong. They are simply mistaken.
Men who do such deeds are monsters on Earth. They are evil and do not deserve the love of one another. They are trapped in their own living hell.
Mothers, daughter, fathers, sons, all mistaken for their lives. They do not need this. They did not earn this spiritual war they cannot leave. It is with them, swallowing their minds and emotion for each other. The pain they bring, the demons that live on Earth.
The violence. The crying. The silence. Oh where are you Lord? To save these people? Babies, children, Mommies, and Daddies? The loving families whom cannot save their beloved? So Lord, oh God be with them tonight, as this hell on Earth takes place today, tomorrow, or the next. They need you and your love, when they feel that no love exists.
