Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Life Updateish!

This is red
And polka dot
I am so excited because i am actually getting to use pictures of my own! i haven't been able to use the camera for a while to upload stuff, but i finally did and today i have chickens!

a week and a half ago, we got four chickens. there names are polka dot, cross, nugget, red head (red). they are very loud, but sometimes sound like babies crying. a couple times when we first got them we kept thinking a Isaiah was crying so we went down the hall to hear. it was only the chickens. they are so much fun and cute!
getting eggs every day is such a money saver in the family! we love eggs for cakes, breakfast, sandwiches, etc! my sister was so proud about how they looked so she took a picture and it does look awesome!

o some million entries ago, i posted this great recipe that's healthy, yummy and easy to make. i didn't have a picture for it, but today i do! for lunch today we made it and had it with slices of a baguette.


2 cucumbers
4-6 Roma tomatoes
1 pack of mozzarella cheese (not shredded)
1 baguette (optional)
grape seed oil (or olive oil)
spices (salt, pepper, dried basil, Italian blend, granulated garlic)

dice all veggies and cheeses into a bowl.
put in spices. season to taste.
put enough oil in to wet everything. do put too much in it that it puddles.
stir (tip, always put spices in first so they stick to food)
put in a bowl with a slice of baguette and serve!

tip: you can put in onions if wanted spicier.
salami is another great thing to put in it or turkey pepperoni for more taste.

hope you enjoy this post and recipe! go ahead and try it! you dont need any cooking experience to make this delicious meal on the go or at home!
