Monday, April 12, 2010

Long Day

So it's been a few days since i blogged, and i have pretty good reasons for it! The other night, i went to the awesome Owl City concert with Sarah. It was so much fun! It was really loud till your ears got numbed, smelt like sweat and beer (people could purchase beer for the concert, weird :P) and we bought an awesome Owl City tote bag and two rubber bracelets!

Adam Young (Owl City Vocalist) is so cool! Even when he's talking a little bit, you can tell he has such an original personality! W0w, i just had a blast!

It'd like to thank all my followers for following me! it's just a fun opportunity to blog and i'm so glad that people enjoy my writings! Thanks for all your blogging and following! :)


A couple days ago, my mom, aunt, cousins, Sarah and i all went to ride the city bus to a fun shopping area. it was really funny seeing all of us trying to get on and off the buses and getting there on time! some people thought it was hilarious seeing the 'newbies' trying to survive going on a day trip, but using the bus. (we had to take down and reconstruct the two strollers each time we went on) Overall, we went to an adorable boutique, got lunch and ice cream, shopped a bit more and took the hour back home! It seems like so little, but hauling everyone everywhere took a lot of time, but i had a blast!

That was my very busy weekend! So i should be able to blog a bit more now that all the crazy stuff it over!

Ally <3